when a bird got in the house

I will be overjoyed when the boy band craze is over for a while.
Do you know what happened to me while I was house-sitting? Well, let me set it up for you. I was sitting at the computer, and I decided to go into the living room and watch TV for a bit. So I get up and I’m walking into the kitchen and this BIRD flies out in front of me. A bird! In the house! Well naturally, I shrieked like it was a demon and scared my cousin half to death. He’s yelling, “What? What? What is it?!” And I’m thinking, “Oh my GOD how did that thing get in here!” Now this house has huge high ceilings, what if that bird went up there and decided to STAY? So the bird flies into the back room and I’m chasing it, and then it flies into the hallway.
So I grab this lunchbox that was setting on the counter and start trying to catch it. SOMEhow I managed to trap the thing inside the lunchbox. I let it out the door and it flew right off. It was certainly an odd night.