weird day

today was my dad’s birthday! šŸ™‚ We got up and and met my parents for lunch, after giving dad his present (ipad). After lunch we headed back to their house for dessert where we got stuck by strong thunderstorms. Didn’t get home til around six.
And now Chase is already in bed! He has a photoshoot at 3AM! Some party. So he went on to bed right after dinner.
I’d disturb him if I went in my office and tried to sew, so I’m staying in the living room to work on my puzzle, and I’ve got my book out here, too.

Here’s a pic I took of Calvin while at my parents house, just as the storm was hitting us.

And as we were leaving, I noticed a styrofoam box in the garage – it was my Age of Apocalypse Shadowcat claws. They’ve been in that box since I shipped them back from Comic Con 2004. I opened it up and took them out and brought them home.

It doesn’t feel like sunday which kinda sucks, feels like saturday…

(2015 edit: Sorry, apparently yfrog doesn’t exist anymore so my photo links above are broken. I’m too lazy to go figure out what they were.)