3 random thoughts

1. there was a guy on a our plane to Seattle. He was wearing old jeans that were short and tight at the ankles, plain white tennis shoes, and a white wife beater (with some faded beach scene on the front).
To top it off, he was wearing a red velvet smoking jacket, with black collar and sash tie. YOU STAY CLASSY.

2. The No-Man-Left-Behind rule is what I call it when I make my final sweep of our hotel room before we check out. Any bobbie pin, hair band, or safety pin I find gets tossed into my carry on, suitcase, whatever. I should just leave them because I never fish them out of where-ever I stuck them, but I don’t want them to get left behind, I feel bad for them. Thus the No-Man-Gets-Left-Behind rule.

3. I have this dress I’m going to wear to a wedding this Saturday but can’t decide what kind of shoes I want to wear with it. Everybody keeps telling me black but I don’t have any good black shoes. I’m going to go shopping and find something.