when i saw penguins

I’m in colour theory class now. The teacher isn’t here yet. I hope she doesn’t come. I want to go home.

Did I write about going to the zoo? It was fun. We saw the white tigers. Purty.

There’s this place in the zoo where they have the penguins… you know, a little cave like place with a water tank. There are some steps nearby, and you can go underground and look at them swim through the glass. You know what I’m talking about, right?

I hate going down there. I have nightmares about it. It’s dark and smelly and scary looking. The walls and stairs are painted this horrible 50’s bright blue and I swear they never clean it.

I haven’t been down there since I was eight. And I’m not going back!! Just looking down there gives me the creeps.

I bought a new lemur at the zoo, which means I now have Kyte, Padfoot, Moony and the new one is, of course, Prongs. *LOL* Weird name for a lemur, but I had to continue didn’t I?

Moony is the one that makes odd noises. Padfoot is my fav!