that time kevin was cool with my cussing


I’m back from work. I’d just like to say how much I hate taking my cousin to school. Every morning for the past week I’ve had to take him to school. I have to sit in a long line of cars until I finally creep up to the circle drive (after getting yelled at by the traffic director-type people), then I have to find a place to pull over in the sea of kids and let him out. Then I have to go back and push my way through traffic to get to my road. Yesterday I hit a pot hole on the way there, really hard. I was sure I’d have a flat in a matter of seconds. Of course I yelled “SHIT!” when it happened. My cousin stayed quiet for a few minutes until things settled down, then said, “Did you see how that word didn’t bother me?”
I thought it was funny.

Last night, I’d already put him to bed and was sitting on the couch watching Three’s Company. Suddenly he appeared out of nowhere and says, “Do you want to spontaneously combust?”


Well, seeing as how I hunger so much, I guess I’ll go eat.