Which brings up a good point!
Monopoly is not a game to be taken lightly.
Firstly, Monopoly must be played at a table. Not on the floor, not on the bed. Secondly, Monopoly is NOT a short game. Monopoly games can often last days, weeks even. Thirdly, most people tend to think the game is over after all properties are bought and it isn’t! That’s when the REAL game starts. After all properties are bought, then the bargaining begins. Once everyone has traded or bought what they need from other players, it becomes, more or less, a game of chicken. We go into debt. We play until someone gives up.
We only play Monopoly on vacation when there is nothing else to do, and we take it very seriously.
I can see it in my head, me and my three cousins, sitting around my grandmother’s dining room table late at night, staring at each other, waiting on someone to give…
And I hate Clue. And Life. Especially Life. I hate that stupid game. They make you get married. That’s so stupid.
We’ve had lots of fights while playing in Life because I refuse to get married.
“It’s just a stupid game Kell!”
“But that’s STUPID!”
Once my cousin David spit on Catherine while we were playing Monopoly because they got into an argument over it. It was so gross… but funny, too.
I’ve been cleaning all day. And I’m still not through………..