when i had a halloween party

Hi everybody! My party turned out great last night. My costume was awesome. Here’s a pic!

But what I’m here to tell you about is what happened at the mall yesterday. Cat and I went to pick up Ash so we could get back to my house to start decorating. We had to stop by the mall on the way back to pick up the cookie cake.

Well, Catherine had been trying to put her hair up for her costume in the car (she was Sailormoon), so her hair was crazy from being forced into odd pigtails. I was wearing a headband with cat ears on it. Why? I don’t know.

Well, we got to the mall and there was a herd of old folks standing outside, waiting on their tour bus. There was this one old woman who gave me this LOOK. I mean, like DEATH GLARE and I have no idea why, pigtails and cat ears? Young hooligans wearing cat ears to the mall…!!!

And then these guys meowed at me. It cracked me up.

So we get to the cookie place, and Ash’s mom had given her a twenty to pay for it. Well, the price ended up being $20.56. Cat and I hadn’t brought any money in. Ash didn’t have anymore money. This woman behind us GAVE us the 56 cents. It was so embarrassing. At least she was nice, I thank her for that.

I find it funny I was more embarrassed by my friend having to borrow 56 cents than people staring and laughing at me wearing cat ears in a public place.

More later! Come back soon!