when i wandered

Today I pondered one of the most pondered questions of our times.

“What the heck is today?”

I found myself asking this several times today. I finally found the answer when the Registrar gave me a letter with the correct date on the top.

I also asked, “For Gods sake, what time is it?” a lot today. Mostly because I forgot my watch.

The extreme boredom and frustration caused by not being able to know what time it was forced me to do get up and wander around a bit. Let me just tell you what I did today, eh?

I get to school. It’s pouring rain, and, of course, I have a 24×32 portfolio, my schoolbag, my artbox, my drawing board, AND a 30×30 chalk pastel drawing that won’t fit in my portfolio to carry to class. In the rain.

I made it to the classroom, but the door is locked, so I have to sit out in the walkway, holding that stupid drawing, waiting for the teacher to open the door.

We critique the homework for an hour and a half. I spend the time drawing. Teacher likes my homework, doesn’t see anything wrong with it all (HEY, even I liked my homework, which is unusual). Oh, but Miss Annoying Know-it-All in the back has to point out what SHE thinks is wrong. The nice teacher defends my picture. Haha, take that.

We look at slides. I spend the entire time wondering what time it is.

We get out for lunch. I go to McDonald’s, then sit in the car with the heater on and read.

Class resumes. We start on our work. Super boring. I pretend to erase some stuff. Hmm… time to wander about a bit.

First I went to the supply store and bought a sketchbook. Just for the heck of it.

Then I walked down and looked to see if there was anything on display in the Design part of the school. There wasn’t.

Then I stood in the hall and stared at the rain.

Then I went to the Registar and and told her I needed to get a letter to get out of Jury Duty. She took my Jury Duty paper and told me to come back in about thirty minutes.

Then I went and checked my mailbox. Nothing there.

Then I went to the bathroom and washed my hands for about ten minutes.

I went to the library and poked around. Nothing interesting.

I go up the elevator. I go down the elevator.

Uh oh, my Colour Theory teacher is putting pictures up in the hall. She says “Hi Kell.” I say, “Hi, how’s it goin?” and quickly make my way to the Registrar before more conversation happens.

There is a person with the Registrar so I sit on the nice comfy couch and eat candy out of a bowl on the table. I guess it was there for students. I had some Smarties and a Lemonhead and a Reese’s, and got a twix which I ate later.

I get my letter from the Registrar. She asks when I’m going to Register. I say “Dunno,” and she gives me one of those looks. “I gotta talk to my advisor!” I stall. “Friday is last day,” she reminds me.

Now I can’t think of anything to do. So I take the long way back around to class. By the time I get there, there is only a half hour left of class. Way to go!

I did get all my work for class done, btw. And we got to leave ten minutes early.

Hey chicken head! Hey chicken head! HAHAHA!