when i froze to death in class

I don’t understand my classmates. Or anybody, for that matter. Ok, today, it was freezing outside. Admittedly, I’m very cold natured, and as soon as the temperature hits 60 out, I’m in my longjohns. But it was around 40 today, with a strong wind. It was cold. Very cold. So naturally I was happy to finally get into the warmer class room. Well, about an hour into class, SOMEBODY starts whining about being hot. So, the teacher opens the door. I really wouldn’t have minded if he had opened the front door, cause that was far away from me. But no, he opens the back door, which is RIGHT next to me. So I froze all morning. And yes, I was wearing a sweater, a thermal shirt, and a long sleeve teeshirt, plus my longjohns and jeans and two pairs of socks.

And no, I’m not cold natured cause I need, like, vitamins and stuff! That’s just how I am.

I heard this song today. My teacher was playing it at school. I think it would make a great theme song for how I feel when I’m at school. The lyrics were: “Stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid!”

Not that I think I’m stupid. I just usually think what I’m working on in class is stupid. Stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid.