when we beheaded a barbie

Ha, one time, when we were all up at my grandmother’s for Christmas, we beheaded this Barbie doll. She wasn’t really a Barbie doll… she was a Disney Cinderella doll, and she was really creepy looking. She had those disconnected floating, staring pupils. It was very disturbing. So one way or another, we beheaded her. I can’t remember exactly how, but I do remember it was funny. It probably just got pulled off during rough play. But, we decided to continue. We discovered that her cheaply-made body could be… er, “filed down” by rubbing her against the concrete. So naturally we filed away the part of her body that stuck out the most.
We ended up with a headless doll with two holes on her chest. It was creepy, yes, but it was so funny. We tossed her down behind the sticker bushes next to our grandmother’s porch and left her there.
And left her there.
And left her there.
She stayed there for YEARS. I’m not joking. It became habit- the first thing to do when you got to Mema’s house – see if the doll was still in the bushes. Finally, just like, last year, we decided it was time for her to come out. We braved the sticker bush and got her out.
I miss her. I wish she were still there.
My head hurts. How’s yours?