when it was christmas

When I was a kid, I remember being SO amazed when, on Christmas Eve, the local newscast reported a small blip on the radar… Santa! I was just, in awe.
But then, the following year, I found my presents a few weeks before Christmas and ruined everything for myself.
So anyway, yes I’m back, this time for good! I got some great stuff today, most notably a new phone with caller ID, some great new shirts, a Frank Lloyd Wright book, money for a PS2, Princess Bride on DVD, and the Inu-Yasha novel I was missing! I probably forgot something… but… anyway. Tomorrow I’ll be opening presents from my parents and my father’s side of the family! whoo!

I just went in the living room and said, “Hey, mom, I need some wrapping paper.”
She said, “For what?”

I saw lots of movies in the past week. We rented Centerstage, Man on the Moon, and Mononoke Hime and we saw Emperor’s New Groove and Castaway.
Centerstage… a ballet movie. This was not my choice. All through the movie, I could NOT keep the characters straight. “Which one is that?” “Ok, now who is that?” And… I dunno, things resolved very weirdly.
Man on the Moon… I really wanted to see this. Jim Carrey did an great job… and seeing all the Taxi people there was a kick. It was my second time with Mononoke Hime, so I’m not talking about that.
Emperor’s New Groove was funny. I really enjoyed it, and I’m going to see it again soon! My fav was Cronk (or however it was spelled!). He cracked me up! And, for the first time in YEARS, me and my cousins were repeating a line from a movie, over and over again. We’d throw something at somebody, and then when they’d look, we’d go, “Somebody’s throwing stuff!” It eventually got around to, “Somebody’s hitting you!” and “Somebody’s stealing pillows!” etc, etc. Daddy Bob (my grandpa) noticed me playing with my soup at dinner one night (I was trying to do that thing with it that you do with sand… you know, you pick up some and dribble it over to make neat little designs? I was trying to do it with a spoon and broccoli and cheese soup…), and he goes, “What are you doing?!” my reply of course…! Throw my arms up and say, “Somebody’s playing with my food!” It got out of hand.
Castaway, I thought, was good. I loved Wilson. Wilson ruled.
Ok, I have to unpack and try to put these presents away before tomorrow comes… Merry Christmas all!