when i wore the monkey hat

I’m feeling much better!
I still have a cough and I’m still a little stuffed up, but otherwise I’m ok. I still had a fever last night, but I didn’t this morning. Hopefully it’ll stay away, and hopefully I’ll be ok in time for New Year’s Eve. I have to wear the monkey hat!!! I HAVE TO WEAR THE MONKEY HAT!!!
Urm, yes, well. It’s supposed to snow today. I really don’t think it will, as it never does. If it DOES snow, I hope it’s a good one. I’d rather like another ice storm like we had in… erm, 1994? I dunno.
I’ve been watching Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne constantly since Christmas Eve… (when I got home to my tapes…!) I’m on my last tape now (*tear*), but they just came out with the 5th tape at Sachi, so I’ll probably order that soon, and some other stuff. Urgh, I really shouldn’t order anything new, I’ve still got a lot of Slayers, Cowboy Bebop, Rayearth and even a little Trigun left to watch. šŸ™ I’ve had the Rayearth tapes for over a year now (I got them for Christmas last year!), and I’ve only watched two (out of four). I just can’t get into it.
I wish I could find some free hosting for my SunDowner domain (http://kelldar.com/deadlink)… I wouldn’t need much space, just enough for my HTML files. I’d keep the image files at kellilla.com, since they rack up about 12-15MB… I’m just too lazy to look.
I should get some work done since I’m feeling ok XP