when i snatched my sketchbook away

Everybody in the house has been asleep for a while. I was gonna go to bed a minute ago, so I turned off the lights in my room and headed out into the dark house to sleep on the couch. I stepped out of my room and…… it was like a movie, I heard something and slowly turned around in the dark. A low noise, coming from the computer room…

But, it ended up being anticlimatic. My dad had left the radio on. Low, and playing weird music, but still.

Ok, that was a pointless story, but I don’t feel like going to bed. I had coffee a few hours ago. I’m not sure if that’s what’s causing it, seeing as how I have a very high tolerance for caffeine. But my dad made it, meaning it was extra strong, so who knows.

I’m skipping a lot of words tonight. I skipped two words in the last sentence. Hmm.

Hey! I won the MOB! yay! XD I expect you artists to draw for me, or else!!

Oh! I meant to say this in my last post. Last night at the party, as I said, I spent most of the time drawing. Well, at one point mom grabs my sketchbook and starts showing it off. Most people don’t know this, but I don’t like people looking through my sketchbooks. There’s too many doodles and rough stuff that I just don’t like people to see. I don’t mind my friends or artists or anybody like that looking at them, but you know…! Anyway. I wasn’t TOO upset over THAT aspect. Mostly mom was showing the roughs of my Harry Potter calendar. Then she started looking through the back for other stuff, and I remembered that this Morrigan picture was in there.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold everything. I grabbed the sketchbook away and told her there was nothing else back there. She didn’t seem to mind, so I skittered back to the safety of the kitchen. You know, it’s not like that’s an explicit picture or anything, I just don’t want my mom looking at it. Or showing it to a stranger. Gah.

That sketchbook is weird. I’ve had it for… gosh, before Halloween. I keep having to use it cause of the HP calendar. There’s no blank spaces left, which is actually a GOOD thing. It forces me to work on the calendar pics ;D

*siiiiigh* I guess I have to go to sleep. Tonight, the couch seems a logical choice for once. I spent all day slumped over the computer in my dark room hacking away at my new message board. I had Chinese take out for dinner. Now I’ll go fall asleep on the couch watching Three’s Company.