when i was just a regular juror

So. Jury Duty, huh. How ’bout that? The trial I was supposed to be on was moved, so now I’m just an average juror, and I’ll probably be on some stolen car trial or something. Whew. IF I’m on a trial at all.
I had to sit up there from 9 to 2:30 today. It could have been worse, but luckily by 2:30 no more jurors were needed that day, so I got to leave. There were about 450 people there, and every 10-15 minutes or so they’d come in and call about 40 to 45 people. Everytime they did, I was SURE I was going to get called. By 2:20 there were only about 40 people left, and he told us we could leave! (AND we got an hour and a half for lunch, AND they had a machine that had Hot Tamales. So I was cool.)

I have to go back tomorrow. I’ll probably get called to one then. When I do, they’ll select about 12 people from the pool of 40-45, so my chances of not getting on one are pretty good. Now that I’ve said that, I probably WILL get on one

I can’t wait til the part where I get to go in and be interviewed by the attorneys and the judge. That sounds like fun.

Dad had his week moved, he’s now serving the week of Feb 5. But he stayed with me until after lunch, then took my car to get fixed. After we got done, I was sitting in the hall waiting on him, and this guy asked if I was an art student. He asked if he could see my sketchbook, and I actually let him (I was carrying the SunDowner 6 one, which means it was mostly the comic pages and a few misc drawings). That’s amazing because, as I’ve said, I don’t like people to look at my sketchbook. I guess I was in a good mood, and he did seem geniunely interested.

Hehehe, I played Sims last night until aroung 12:30. Qudiar caught the oven on fire for the 3rd time. Miles climbed into bed with Madison, and Madison got mad and went and slept in the other room. And Britan moved in with the boys. Now if I could get Ocha and Piper to move in too, I could pool their cash and buy that big house…. hehehe…