when i made a country

Oh, man! I forgot!
This morning when I was sitting in the jury room, bored to death, and extremely pissed at the world (especially pissed for being forced to serve jury duty, and only being paid $11 a day, and having to park two blocks away and walk in the cold, and… you get the point), I decided to start my own country.
I drew an island with all this cool stuff on it. I’ll have to scan it later. But it had a Haunted Castle and an Amusement Park and a McDonald’s. It has a secret tunnel system underneath, and a Forbidden Forest where dragons live. The dragons are nice, but we worked out a deal with ’em – nobody bothers them and they don’t bother us. Oh, and the largest arcade in the world, a racetrack, several restaurants, and a private airport. I’ll scan it tonight.
You’re all invited to live in my country, where you never have to serve Jury Duty or take any school classes you don’t want. But you have to pay taxes to me so we can keep the restaurants stocked, and employees in the parks. Got it? Ok.
Remind me to tell my ghost story when I come back.