when i got hit with nostalgia

I had a big long thing about girl gamers. But I can’t seem to keep my train of thoughts on the tracks tonight, so I give up. I’d just like to say, on the record, that I’m not a weirdo for loving video games. There are other reasons I’m a weirdo.

My dad bought an NES in 1986 with his birthday money. I was six at the time. I never really stopped. There was a slow down between.. oh, 93 to 97, but it resurged when I got my ps1. I want a new NES. Ours finally died. I need Dr. Mario.

I wouldn’t mind some Duck Hunt, either. We had the red gun. My friend Eric had the grey gun. I thought that was weird.

Pee-Wee’s Playhouse. My sentiments exactly. Makes me want to go rent a tape and watch it again.