when i had a crazy dream

We were on the subject of dreams in my forum, and I wanted to share what I consider my best dream ever.

This dream is the best because it seemed to follow some sort of storyline, unlike most of my dreams which are usually just pure nonsense. This one was also the most vivid, and I remember more about it than any other dream. Here it is.

My cousin Rach, Ash and myself were standing out in my driveway at night. I live in the country, so standing out in the driveway at night is like… like… standing in a very dark place with lots of stars. Anyway. We saw a UFO fly overhead, and we freaked out. I don’t mind X-Files streak-of-light in the sky kind of UFO, I mean huge bright noisy Close Encounters UFO. I ran inside to tell the parents. The parents were all standing around in our kitchen hanging out, and I told them we just saw a UFO. I don’t remember their reaction, but out the backwindow I could see, way, way back at the treeline, rach and ash were going into the woods. Going into the woods out here during daytime is kinda stupid, so you can only imagine at night.

So I kinda freaked out. I was like, “GUYS! They’re going into the woods!”
Apparently this didn’t bother the parents at all. Now, I’ve lost part of the dream here, somehow, because I KNOW there was something about police and me wandering through an old house. But the next part I do remember clearly is me waking up in that old house, and deciding to look for Rach and Ash myself.

So I walked through the woods, and when I got to the other side, instead of being a big field like it’s supposed to be, there were houses. Hundreds of houses, all exactly alike. No roads, no driveways, just house after house. And each house had a chainlink fenced in backyard, and each backyard had a small white dog sitting in it. Just sitting, staring at me. Very disturbing!

So I just started climbing fences. Eventually I made it past the houses, and into a large, empty, round field. Here’s where the dream kinds weakens again, and I can’t really remember what happens. But there was a HUGE statue standing in the middle of the field, and I seem to remember commenting, “It’s leaning today,” or something like that.

Across the road from this field was a school. A security woman drives up. I stop her and ask if she’s seen Ash and Rach (well, I describe them to her) She says, “Yeah, I think they’re in the school.” So I run up into the school. The school is old ~ wooden floors, REEEEALLY high ceilings, and, of course, creepy. I start walking through the place, looking around. Eventually I find someone, a teacher in a class room. I describe Ash and Rach again, and she says, “Yes, they’re in that room right there.” She points to a door at the back of the classroom. So I open it and look in. She starts shoving me through the door, just as I notice there’s nothing in that room but old desks. I shove her out of the way and get out of the room. She keeps trying to push me back in there, so I grab a (yellow #2) pencil and… jab her in the throat with it. There’s very little blood, I remember that.

I run out of the room and keep looking. Eventually I find a faculty lounge of sorts, where some teachers and students are having a meeting. I run in, and the principal says, “Get out of here, we don’t want any more journalists around.” I explain that I’m not a journalist, I’m just looking for my friends. She says, “Oh sure, just looking for your friends!” And everyone starts laughing. Just then I look to my right… and there’s Ash, Rach, and a Japanese girl, all in kimonos! I run over to them, but Ash and Rach don’t recognize me.

Just then my faithful maid comes up with a tray of snacks (I have no maid IRL… unfortunately), and tells Ash and Rach that if they come with us, she’ll give them the snacks. They agree, and the Japanese girl comes with us too. We leave the school, climb back up the little hill into a field with a VERY large statue in it, and people all around it. I say something along the lines of, “The statue is bigger…”

And then my dog jumped on my stomach, waking me up.
Anyway I’m pretty sure the teacher and the people in the school were aliens. From the UFO.

So that’s the best dream I ever had. Crazy.