when i had a crazy sims family

Yay! I connected!

And now, the sad tale of the BooBoo and Tessa families.
Scott BooBoo and his young wife Jean BooBoo moved to Simsville with their two children, Nate and Rachel. Scott BooBoo was a young go-getter, looking for a good ground level job. Jean BooBoo, who was famed for her extremely poofy red hair, already held a job as an exotic dancer. Nate was a good kid who maintained decent grades, and inexplicably always wore a wizard’s hat. Rachel was a pigtailed red-head with a penchant for fireworks and chemistry.

Life started off fairly well for the BooBoos in Simsville. Scott built a decent house for his family, but began to run out of money. He was only able to afford a few pieces of furniture, and none of those were a toilet or bathtub. He decided his family could do without – they could always go to the Community Center or the Neighbor’s house for those things.

Straight off the bat they had to sell one of their beds to pay for food. Scott and Jean began to fight more and more often, and Nate began to have crying jags. Rachel was the only one who kept their spirits up, with her amusing comments about spores. One night, while it was Nate’s turn to sleep in the bed, Rachel decided to play with her fireworks. She decided since it was so late, she would just light one in the shed. This was the worst idea she’d ever have.

The rocket managed to land directly on top of Rachel, and within a few moments, the Grim Reaper had claimed her. Rachel’s tragic death sent the BooBoo family into shambles. They sold off another bed and the couch in order to build a beautiful monument in the front yard to Rachel, complete with bushes shaped like Llamas, a picture of Rachel dancing, and more shaped bushes. When not mourning her death, Jean and Scott were physically fighting, often times in front of Nate. Nate began skipping school, staying home to cry in the back room by himself.

Meanwhile, across the street, a 52 year old bar waitress named Tessa Van Tessa moved in with her five daughters, Blargnut, Stangy, Dweeble, LaLa, and the youngest, Syphilis. Tessa, a woman of good tastes, decorated her home in the finest decorations from her favourite booths of the Flea Market. Unfortunately, six people in one house with one bathroom isn’t the easiest thing. But the family lived happily – there were enough beds for everyone, a pool, and even a food processor. Some of the girls missed school the first couple of days because of the pool, but Tessa didn’t mind, she enjoyed the company.

One day, Scott BooBoo decided to visit his new neighbor. He and Tessa hit it off from the start, and stood flirting in the front yard for hours. Scott decided Tessa was the love of his life, and decided he had to find a way to be rid of Jean. She might take everything in a divorce- so he decided murder was the only way to go.

That night he set up several fireworks in the shed and tried his best to get her to go light a few. But before she could make it out there, Nate discovered the fireworks and began setting them off. Jean realised what was happening and rushed out to save her son, but it was too late. Nate died in the flames. Jean frantically tried to extingush them, but the fire spread, and eventually claimed her was well.

Torn by guilt and grief, Scott erected two more monuments in the front yard, choosing a picture of a Tiger to represent his son, and a picture of a Guinea Pig for that of his wife.

But, that meant he was now free to spend the rest of life with Tessa Van Tessa! That very night, Tessa proposed, and Scott accepted. He moved into the house, and immediately alienated the girls with his bad jokes and tickling obsession. Scott’s appearance in the Van Tessa house only made things worse. The girls could no longer sleep because of an Evil Clown infestation. They spent most of their time wandering around, crying, and ordering pizzas. Tessa was oblivious to all of this.

After a particularly bad night, young Syphilis decided she’d had enough. She blocked off the doors to the girls’ bedroom and began lighting fireworks.The beds in the room exploded into flame, and before long, Syphilis was gone. Tessa was distraught over her favourite daughter’s death. She blocked off the room and never let anyone enter it again. As you can only imagine, the death of their sister upset the other girls as well. They decided they needed to be rid Scott and to try to go back to the way things were before. One night, they blocked off the doors and each of them set off fireworks in every room. Tessa, who had been asleep, was trapped in her bed by the flames. Scott ran around frantically trying to put them out, but you’d be surprised at how fast a Tiger skin rug can burn.

Lala was the first to go, followed by Stangy. Scott was next, and finally, Blargnut. The fires soon burnt out, leaving Tessa and Dweeble to clean up the mess. But you’d be surprised at the amount of insurance money Tessa got from all this. She didn’t bother to rebuilt the old house, she merely bought herself and her only daughter a large mansion in the corner of the neighborhood.

Dweeble was horribly scarred from all this. The first thing she did in their new home was to go in the back shed and light some fireworks. I’m sure you know how this turned out.

Left all alone now, Tessa Van Tessa lost her mind. She spent every moment in the shed, mourning her last daughter’s passing. She left the room for nothing. She was haunted by her daughter, and by the memories of the past. Eventually, driven by starvation, she left the room and went outside onto the road, where she stood for hours, screaming and soiling herself. Finally, she fell the ground and died of hunger.

It’s my sims doing this not me!