when i lied about my height

I just realised I grew more after high school. When I was sixteen and got my license, I was five-foot-two. I lied and said I was five-foot-four on it. I graduated when I was 17 and I probably actually was five-foot-four by then. I’m five-foot-six barefoot now. I was just thinking about it ’cause I was wearing my three-inch heel boots at the visitation/funeral thingie I went to today. I like being taller than everyone. Well, not everyone, but most people.

And yesterday I found out we’re planning on going to Disneyworld this summer. DISNEYWORLD!!!!! I’ve only been twice, and I was only 5 the first time and like 10 the second. Not recently!!

I gotta go fix something in the sims. I put in custom swimsuits for everybody, but now all the girls appear in Ocha’s bathing suit (with her green skin) LOL not good.

(2016 edit: I was not nor have I ever been five-foot-six barefoot. I must have been delusional.)