when i discovered the song

I spent the night at my aunt’s last night since I worked for her today. I had two pieces of my cousin’s bday cake before I went to bed last night, and another for breakfast this morning. I also watched the last hour of The Haunting this morning before I left. You know, the crappy one from last year (or was it 99?) Well, the effects were kinda cool, tho some were kinda cheesy. And that woman who played the main character – dunno her name, but OMG. I really did not like her, I didn’t like the way she talked, the way she acted, so annoying! It DID have Owen Wilson, whom I really like.

Anyway! THANKS to all the people who told me what that song was!! (South Side by Moby & Gwen Stefani)
I think that’s everything. Gotta go update the sketchbook now~!