when i got annoying comments

Whoops… I just hit delete instead of edit on one of my elfwood comments…
It was an annoying comment that was in the wrong place anyway. They’d written on the general comments (on the main page), “Nice job on the SM pic, but the face needs more work.”

That’s what I don’t like about elfwood – like how is that helpful? I was going to edit it to say, “Thanks, I guess.”

Maybe it’s because I’ve been getting a lot more of it lately. Unwanted advice. I RARELY, if ever, ask for C&C. Comment all you like, but don’t expect me to fix something. I usually know what mistakes are there. If it something that REALLY bothers me, it doesn’t get put on the web. I draw the way I like to draw, the way I’m comfortable drawing. And lately it seems like ever 9 year old kid who drops by my Harry Potter page thinks they can give me these tips on how to make my pictures look better. I’ll be the first to admit I’ve got a long way to go, a lot more practice to do… but I’ve got a good mind to add, in 12 pt font size in bright, blinking red letters, “DON’T TELL ME HOW TO DRAW.”

So that comment was just a nice cherry after a long day… I’ve been at school all day working, and while I did pretty well today, it was still long and boring. And then I sat around for 25 minutes waiting for an advisor who never showed.

Blargh! I gotta go eat some cookies and read a bit before I try to answer BBS posts. I missed several links when updating bad candy’s link page (which I always manage to do, which is why I hate messing with it), so I gotta deal with *that.*