when i panicked over the poster

Ok, starting today, I’m going to be house-sitting and watching my cousin until Thursday. During the day I’ll be home and working on finishing the requests (and my MOB sub..) and at night I’ll be over there working on SunDowner. I’ll have net access either way, but no Photoshop or anything over there.

I went to the play last night… I almost went crazy trying to get the poster there. I emailed it to dad (14MB psd file turned into a 4MB jpg file which turned into a zipped jpg file, 2.7MB) at 3:45. He started trying to print it as soon as he got it. Having nothing else to do and completely sick of CGing (almost 8 straight hours in front of the computer), I went out and read in the hammock for a while. Well, around 5 dad calls me and says the printer jammed — he’s going to have to start the print over again (It was 22 inches high and 300dpi, he said 45 minutes average to print). The play starts at 7:30, I should get it there by 7, it takes dad at the FASTEST 30 minutes to get home. But I’m not worried… until he calls back at 6 saying it did it again. And then at 6:30. At 6:30 he tells me he’s giving up. He has two bad prints, but he’ll meet me at the school with them. He said the printer did some bad streaking to them. I imagined the worse! So I got up to school and sat at the front desk with Cath counting the people as they came in and helping Cath give correct change. Dad got there around 7:15 and showed me the poster… gah! They weren’t THAT BAD! I grabbed one and Cath and I went and put it on the matboard.

I think I did pretty well for the time constraints… I think I captured a likeness of most of the actors, yet it’s still in my style (except the Captain, cause someone forgot to give me a reference of him x_x). At first dad told me – when I first told him about the job – it was worth about $350. Then last night, he asked me how long I’d spent on it…I’d say about 10 hours all together. He told me (he’s a graphic artist) he charges about $100 an hour! Of course, I wouldn’t charge that being not anywhere near as experienced as he, but still!

Anyway, the play was great. I mean, really. Probably the best play I’ve ever seen up there. It was HILARIOUS… I was laughing out loud (which is actually rare for me in movies and plays o_O; I might chuckle, but that’s about the limit). And you could hear everybody! That’s always a problem with my school’s plays, they’re in the gym and their voices get lost. But they did great. I’m proud to have done a pic for them.