when i lamented my lack of costume photos

Ya’ll are right, the one Quistis pic I have is no good! I don’t think the Jupiter pics are all that great, either, except this one.

The best pic I have of myself online, I guess, would be the one of Cath, Ash, and me from 99…

Or the bad webcam pic.

We were planning on taking new pics of the older costumes last weekend, but it got rainy and the temperature dropped (we were going to take them outside in better light), so we had to put it off.

Anyway, I made a new button for SunDowner… the animation isn’t great, but hey, it was my first time using Imageready šŸ˜› I just wanted an ani button for SD.
I’ve done nothing today, by the way, except work for a while, sleep, and go get my PS2 from my aunt’s house. I haven’t done anything with it except make sure it works. Dad is supposed to rent me a game tonight.