when i went to a play instead of working

Lalalala! Went to see The Wiz at Bolton last night. It was cute. I didn’t even realise I was going until 5:30 yesterday, when mom said, “Jean and Ash will be here at 6:30 to go see the play.” And that was after having all day class, and not getting home until 4:30. Then the play didn’t end til 10:30 (what a lot of 30’s…). So I didn’t get much done yesterday.

Well, I take that back – I hardly did anything in class yesterday. We were supposed to be working on our final assignment while the teacher talked to each student individually. I spent most of the time doodling in my sketchbook – I got some stuff done on SunDowner 1 and the final pencils on the ebay pic from a while back.

Today I got home from work and decided it was too nice out to sit inside and work on my poster. So, I washed my car. I haven’t washed it in over a year, and man was it FILTHY. It actually seemed to be more of a khaki colour instead of white. Yuck.

Then I took a shower and realised how long my hair has gotten. It’s actually about mid-back now. It’s about time, I’ve been growing it out for, what, 2 years now? Since late 98, I know… that’s when I had it chin length.

I *really* want to go lay it in the hammock and read now, but for once, logic prevails… I have way too much work to do šŸ˜› Next week is my last week of school, so obviously I have a lot of crap to do ^^;