when i made a movie poster

Well, I stayed up until five last night trying to get that poster done. I managed it, somehow, and it got to the printers on time. I got to sleep for 2 1/2 hours, and then I got up and went to work. Surprisingly enough, I didn’t feel anymore tired than I normally do… until around 11 this morning, when suddenly it hit me full force and I thought I was going to pass out 9_9 So I left at noon and came home and took a nap.

So, how did the poster turn out? I’m not completely happy with it. I didn’t get to use the actor’s faces as I originally wanted to, my teacher decided it would be best if I just did it in my style. I did cell style CG, because I wanted it to look bright… but I think I rushed it too much, esp on the bottom. My teacher thought it would be cool if I used Japanese characters for the name… but I couldn’t find a word in Japanese close enough to “SunDowner.” I found plenty of words for dusk, twillight, or sundown, but they were all too *short.* Most were only 2 characters long, and I need it to be longer. So I finally just decided to break it into syllables… The closest I could get was sa-nu-da-nu. I really hope it’s not COMPLETELY horrible and/or horribly incorrect. I also had to write it myself, so excuse that, I can hardly write in my OWN language. It’ll do for what I need it for, either way… I think I could have put pretty much anything, it doesn’t matter to my teacher, he just wanted the Japanese text on there.

My favourite part of the whole poster is the watercolour in it. Part of the assignment was to use a technique we were taught in the semester, and I used watercolour… just one of those stupid cheap tray watercolours, I wasn’t going to spend MONEY on it šŸ˜› I did a quick purple-blue-green, and a brownish-orangish-yellow stripe thing. The purple-blue-green thing is in the starfield, and in the blue circle, and the brown-orange-yellow thing is behind Ocha, Miles and Qudiar, and also (adjusted with Hue/Saturation) behind the credits. I was pleased with how that turned out. I just copied the credits off the back of my CCS DVD (since I had no idea what to put, and didn’t feel like thinking up names…), along with the Nelvana and Pioneer icons.

If Madison’s head is disappearing into the background on your moniter, it’s too dark. Know that in the final, Madison’s head sits up a bit from the background, and he has highlights in his hair. Same with Ocha!

Here it is!
The final version is 21×33.5, or something like that.
I gotta get to work on stuff for my life drawing portfolio now… urgh šŸ˜›