when i lost my trigun dvd

When I was packing for Spring Break, I was getting together all the DVDs I was going to take with me to watch. I got all the first 3 Trigun DVDs, and then looked for the fourth, which I could have sworn I bought a few weeks earlier. I couldn’t find it anywhere. I figured I had picked it up in the store and considered buying it, but didn’t. And now here I was thinking I had.

It through me off. I missed the next 3 Trigun DVDs that came out because of it. I still wasn’t sure whether I had bought it or not. If I bought another copy, sure enough, I’d find the first copy the next day. Last week at my grandmother’s I gave up and went ahead and bought the 5th DVD (the one after the one I was missing – I made a mistake and thought that was it). I realised I’d missed one and shrugged it off and we bought the rest of the series that week.

Well, guess what I just found! In the bottom of a shopping bag that got thrown in my closet, along with my Sims: Living Large box, was the missing Trigun DVD. YAY! I’m glad I noticed it. I thought it was all trash and was shoving a bunch of other boxes and stuff in there to be thrown away. I noticed a Trigun logo down in there and wondered, “what the hell is that?”

I HAD bought it, and now I can watch it! Now I’m gonna root through that back some more, maybe it holds more surprises LOL