what’s around my desk meme

Let’s play the old What’s Around My Desk? Game.
-Photos: from Disneyworld. My favourite ones, which I was going to scan but haven’t had a chance yet.
-Notepad: stolen from the kitchen, with the words, “Touch and Sew Deluxe Zig-Zag model 780.”
-Coffee Mug: It’s a cool mug. Up until about 30 minutes ago it was holding a bunch of pens, but then I took all the pens out and put them in my artbox. So now it’s just sitting here.
-Yellow Crayon: I was missing this while I was at my gramma’s.
-Hairbands: They’re all joined together. How annoying.
-Wolfwood’s Cross necklace: I spent way too much money for this, this necklace which has no purpose in the real world. But it’s neat anyway.
-Madonna CD: The one with Material Girl on it. It’s in 3 pieces. The cat broke it.
-Card Captor “Cherry” Mousepad: I bought it yesterday at the anime store. It’s a pretty manga illustration. And the mini Trigun lunchbox. I didn’t notice it said Card Captor Cherry until we were in the car, and we got a good laugh out of it. Then I left it in the car while we went to the movie, and it got kinda warped. Oops.
-Soul Calibur page: Xianhua, I think that’s how you spell her name. A printed page showing Xianhua’s white outfit (3rd player, I think? Maybe 2nd… can’t remember), which I want to make for Animazement next year.
-Webpage stuff: Info on a webpage I’m making for someone. Hasn’t been touched in 2 weeks.
-Mustang model: 1965, red!
-Strawberry pocky: Also from disneyworld. Haven’t eaten it yet.

This photo isn’t from this day… but it’s darn close so I decided to stick it in here.

Ok, I’m gonna go check the mail. yep. I hope my package gets here today.