when i wrote out my entire day

My day thus far:
8:05: woke up and realised the alarm didn’t go off at 7:45 like it was supposed to, meaning I’m now late to work. But it didn’t really matter, seeing as how I wasn’t going to GO to work today anyhow, so actually it was a good thing.
8:06: Stagger drunkenly to the computer to wake it up. Wander around online for an hour while CGing. Elfwood is back, hurrah.
9:15: Fix some Easy Mac for “breakfast.” Play the sims while eating. I tried to build an orphanage but it kept crashing. I got most of it built. Guess I’ll have to finish during “lunch.”
>9:30: Got cold, put on Ranma outfit.
9:55: Typed up this stupid list.
So that’s my day so far. It’s so exciting. Here’s what I plan to do the rest of the day.
10:00-11:00: CG.
11:00: Take off Ranma outfit, put on regular clothes, go outside for a while.
11:10: Get tired of being outside, come back in, put on sweatshirt, CG.
12:30: Get hungry again, eat Reese’s while playing the sims.
12:45: CG some more.
2:00: Go outside for a while.
2:05: Get tired of being outside, take a nap.
2:30: Be awakened by my mother calling to say she’s on her way home. I tell her to bring me lunch and she gets all POed.
3:10: Eat lunch while playing the sims.
3:30: Go outside for a while.
3:40: Get tired of being outside, come in and CG.
4:30: Wander aimlessly.
5:00: CG while watching the Simpsons, then SNL, then Fresh Prince, then Seinfeld.
6:45: Seinfeld interrupted by arrival of dad and dinner. Eat dinner while playing the sims.
7:00: Take a shower.
7:30: Sit on the floor and watch Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon while making stuff out of sculpey.
8:30: Go outside for a while. Don’t get bored this time ’cause it’s not sunny out anymore.
9:30: CG for a while.
10:30: Turn on Friends and CG some more.
11:00: Go to bed cause I actually have to go to work tomorrow.