when i had to take art history

I am going to be late for work!! Ha, Ha!! At this moment, I am 11 minutes late.

I thought I’d yack about my classes for a moment and bore everyone to death. Writing class is going to be a pain. Gosh I can’t stand writing, especially meaningful essays and the like. We have to get 2 books for that, together that’s going to be about $70. The teacher seems nice, tho.

I was worried about Art History class, since I don’t do well in that sort of class. But after sitting thru both classes, I think I’ll like history more. The guy seems to have a good sense of humor and definitely knows what he’s talking about. When he’s going on about some picture, he really seems just be talking, you know, not like something he memorized or what have you.

Well, now I’m just about 20 minutes late, so I guess I should go. Oh, and that’s me down there, a new self portrait to replace the b/w one I use at elfwood. That’s what I wore to school yesterday, minus the pipe.