when i was in chicago

Is it Tuesday already? Damn!
Saturday – I actually spent the night over at my aunt’s friday night, so we could get up early and head to the airport. It was very stormy here that morning, and takeoff was kind of bumpy. I learned that I can carry my suitcase on as a carry-on, which cut down the stress-level of traveling a bunch (I was always thought it was too big, and I’m so very paranoid about checking my luggage).

(::got distracted by The Mummy momentariliy::)

Anyway. We got there and went to the hotel. It was the Marriott (Mariott? Marriot? how do you spell that) in downtown Chicago, right in the middle of everything! Disneyquest across the street, Nordstrom’s next door and the Virgin Records store in the same building. Our room was nice, if crowded. We dumped our stuff in the room and went to eat lunch at some Mexican place. We walked there, and the weather was gorgeous (as it was the whole time we were there). Passed the Hard Rock and the Rock and Roll McDonald’s (2nd busiest McDonald’s in the world!! THEY DELIVER!!). We ate, and headed out to the Art museum. It turned out to be REALLY crowded, but we managed to see quite a bit. I liked the Minatures and the Armor especially, very cool. We wandered around some more and finally went upstairs to the modern section. Unfortunately we had to rush through the modern section (which is where I’d been waiting to go all day), because the place was closing in 30 minutes. But I did get to see Hopper’s Nighthawks, American Gothic, some Picassos, Monets, and the like.

Afterwards we went back to the hotel, got changed, and went to eat at this place called Nick’s. It was vera fancy. The kind of place where they run over and open the car door for you, and pull the chair out for you, and lay the napkin in your lap for you. o_o; I had some fine clam chowder, and… hrm, what was it called… black and blue seared ahi? something like that. It was good. Seared on the outside, rare on the inside, getting a coke there was hard. They almost poured me wine, blech!

So we went back to the hotel, and despite the fact I was incredibly tired, my aunt, my cousin Kevin and I went over to Virgin. GAH, I wish we had one of those here, they had so much anime! I bought Card Captor Sakura v.4 on DVD and a new Simpsons book (which I finished on Sunday). We went upstairs and I crashed, because I was very tired.

We discovered that the hotel was so busy because there was a Plus Sized Model Convention going on. Over 900 people! Geez. We walked down and ate breakfast at this little cafe. It was busy, so my cousin Kevin and I ate at a different table and was more or less ignored by our waiter. šŸ˜› Then we got to walking again, and decided to go to the Field Museum. I really enjoyed it, lots of neat stuff to look at. I think we wasted too much time on the Native American exhibit – by the time we got through it, we were all tired and not really wanting to look at much of anything else. But we managed, somehow. I bought a Star Wars sticker book (it was on sale!) and a new stuffed lemur in the gift store. I haven’t named it yet, any suggestions?

After that… what did we do… I can’t remember!! We must have gone back to the hotel and gotten ready for dinner. This time we went to an Italian place that was really neat inside. Kevin and I both had spaghetti. It was decent enough.

Oh, and now I know that Crazy Taxi is not that fair off from reality.

We got up and ate breakfast at the hotel. Then we went out and walked along the street (what is it called, the miracle mile? lotsa neat stores). We wandered around Crate and Barrel for a while, then to the Sony store and then we got on this trolley which drove us around for a while, and then to a boat which took us up and down the river looking at various buildings. It was very long. We came back and got back on the Trolley and once again, it took way too long. We finally got back and Kevin and I went over to Disneyquest (It was closing for good that day!), and while the adults went out to dinner, we wandered around Disneyquest. I wasn’t all that impressed with it… the castmembers were not very Disney-like. But they did have a BUNCH of old classic arcade games, which were free to play! We didn’t have very long before the place closed, so we didn’t get to do much. We spent a lot of time just trying to find the stupid stairs. We rode a Jungle Ride which was lame, and “Ride the Comix” in which you actually had to put on one of those VR helmets. I imagine we looked pretty stupid, standing up there on that platform swinging those swords around. We left after that. We trotted over to Virgin once again, and I discovered their large inventory of manga. I bought Inu Yasha 4 and read it that night. We ordered room service. I ordered extra fries, but the fries they brought were just like huge pieces of potato, so Kevin ate ’em.

Got up, walked down to “West Egg” and ate breakfast. Walked back. Went back to Virgin (yes, again), where I bought Inu Yasha 5 and Kevin got a Sailormoon calendar, volume 1 of Escaflowne, and Inu Yasha 1.

We checked out and went to the airport, where we sat for ages. Then we boarded the flight. It was uneventful. Came home. ate dinner. typed this.

I have to go to school tomorrow ;_;