when we went to the fair

Oh, so THAT’S what 6 AM looks like!!

I don’t think I ever talked about the fair last week. Yes, well, we went to the fair last week. And Catherine did her dance.

Ash left school early and came over to my house, where my aunt picked us up. We spent the ride playing with this bobbing-head dog (it was kinda scary) and studying for my test that afternoon. At one point I called the “Arch of Titus” the “Tarch of Vitus” and we really liked that. We decided it was a disease causing extreme lack of rhythm, and we told Catherine that she had tarchivitus after her dance. We got to the fair and ate some nasty Pronto Pups (I always want a Pronto Pup, I always crave Pronto Pups, but then when I get one I never like it). We got our wristbands and rode a couple of rides. We hardly rode anything this year… I dunno, it seemed like there was nothing new. We rode the Tilt-A-Whirl and I thought it was never going to stop. I don’t get sick on rides (the only exception was the Highland Fling at Six Flags, and that was a huge headache), but I mean, after the first 3 times around, like, what else is there? It’s boring after that! You don’t need to go on for the next five minutes. We rode the Zippin Pippin, yay. Not a long line at that time, either. I spit my gum out as we went around a curve, but doing that wasn’t as exciting as I had hoped.

Then we got some of those weird potato chips, and I had a… um… I forget what it’s called. Ice cream covered in chocolate and nuts. argh, I can’t believe I forgot the name. Anyway, then we left and they dropped me off so I could take my test. Then we went back.

We found the place Cath was going to be doing her dance. Kristie and Ash went off to find something to eat, while Nana and I had our Personality Analysis thingie. We have that done every year. It’s so silly, but every year we say, “wow, this is more like me than last time!” I say mine was pretty close this time šŸ˜€ I’d share it but I left it in Nana’s camera bag. In the building Cath was going to be doing her dance, they had like 100 old arcade games. I mean, classic stuff. It was like an arcade from 1984 or something. It was so awesome, we played games for a long time. I do like Gauntlet Legends better than Gauntlet, we tried to play that and couldn’t tell what was what, LOL Then the robotic McGruff the Crime Dog came up to me and started talking, and I couldn’t understand what he said. So I ran off, but we went back to him later and got Junior Deputy badges.

Cath said it was going to be a while before their dance began (they were going to facepaint first), and by that time Kristie’s nephew had gotten there, so we all went around to the kiddie rides so he could ride.

Then it was time for Cath’s dance!! She knew all the moves! She did good! We really cheered for her (she did it with about 7 other girls, but she was the only one with people there cheering for her – there was about 20 of us there just for cath), and her sister Rachel stood in the back doing the moves along with her. It was very amusing.

Then David wanted Nana to do one of those gyroscope things. You know, it’s like three circles and they strap you in and go around and around and upside down and every which way? Of course Nana said NO, but she’d pay for him to do it. So he did it. He had one of those big corn on the cobs, and Nana handed it to me to hold, which was a mistake, cause while he was on that thing I ate the rest of the corn. First all his change fell out of his pockets, then his shirt started sliding up, then his pants started sliding down (which caused a “I SEE LONDON I SEE FRANCE I SEE DAVID’S UNDERPANTS!!”), and then he started looking kinda sick. And then when he got off he didn’t have any corn left!

We rode the ferris wheel, and while Sam went on to ride it twice more, Ash and I went to go get some “chicken fries.” Chicki-Chicki…. Chicken Fries! They were chicken tenders cut into fry shapes. They were very good. Then Ash and I bought some light-up devil horns, and ash got a stuffed monkey, and we watched Sam ride the ponies, and then we left.

YAY for the fair! I’m ready for next year!