when nobody knew who andre was

WHO IS ANDRE?! EVERYONE KNOWS WHO ANDRE IS!! How can you not know Andre?!?!

Oh, and I forgot to mention, in regards to the previous poll (favourite thing to do in class), one of my favourite things to do in class IS eat. In fact that’s probably my favourite thing, since I don’t draw in class anymore. I go get some chips and a coke and have a snack during Art History. Sometimes they have those little Pringles cans in the vending machine… mmm. A lot of time they’re out of coke, though… that sucks.

Went to Wal-mart today. Bought some shoes. They’re ugly as butt, but they’re good for my Utena shoes. (the painted shoes looked awful) Bought some socks. Harry Potter socks. I was going to get a Draco action figure too, but they were out. OUT! Bah.

Things are freaky at work. I haven’t been in like a week, but apparently something really got screwed up yesterday and everyone got a major talking-to this morning. Luckily I missed that little meeting (I was halfway to work this morning when I realised I’d left my wallet at home, so I had to turn around and go back). Plus, they stopped allowing food and drink outside the break room. Buncha new people there, too. And cokes went up from 40 cents to 50 cents. I don’t mind that so much, it’s easier to get 2 quarters than fish around for forty cents.

Dad got our Zooboo tickets today, so we’re set. I need to talk to Cath and see if she’d like to go up to my school’s halloween party afterwards. I’ve always wanted to go, I bet they have some great costumes there. We won’t stay long, but I thought it would be neat to check out, since we’ll be right there within walking distance of the school.

(edit: ok the above gif a little anachronistic, but this was all I could think of when rereading this post a few years later.)