when everything was 100%

All costumes, 100% done. Gotta go to the bank and walgreen’s today, and back to the printer cause they screwed up my trigun print, and then to my aunt’s office to pick up some more money, and then to my aunt’s house to look for a piece of the Rinoa costume Cath thinks she lost there.

Utena… I’m pretty satisfied with Utena. I wish my shoulder things hadn’t turned out so big, and that the pattern had worked better. Cammy… haven’t had the whole thing on at one time yet, so I don’t know. I’m happy with the various pieces I’ve made. RubyMoon…. didn’t turn out as I had planned but it’s decent enough. If I thought walking around with those bat wings on my Sakura costume was annoying, good god! The wings like, triple my width. I *have* to turn sideways to walk through doors. I’m definitely only wearing this for the cosplay.

Anyway. We had NO trick-or-treaters last night. Normally we get like, 4 or 5 (it’s the country, what can you expect – kids don’t walk to trick-or-treat out here, they have to be driven from house to house) It was also the first year I didn’t go trick or treating. I *was* going to go over to Ash’s and help give out candy there (since they have a lot of kids in their neighborhood), but I had so much work to do last night I didn’t. Didn’t even put on my costume – it was already packed.

I got up this morning and discovered our house had been TPed, tho. I have no idea by who, but my money is on random kids from the school around the corner. They got a few of the trees at the front of our house (we have about 50 in the front yard, and it was only on about 4 of them), some in the people across the street, and our next door neighbor’s. They didn’t do a very good job on ours. It took me about 10 minutes at the most to pull it all down, except one random piece that is too high for me to reach, even with the broom. And they used high quality TP, so it’s strong. I could just grab an end and pull it out of the trees without it breaking. Don’t they realise you can save money and make it harder on folks if you use the cheap stuff! I got as much down out of our neighbor’s yard as I could, but they did a better job on their houses. Most of it was way too high for me to reach, and the strong winds today tossing around the loose pieces didn’t help. I walked around and picked up what was on the ground, too.

I hope they come around this afternoon when they get out of school, and see that’s there’s nothing left in my yard.

I decided to check the front porch to see if there had been any mischief up there. We never use our front porch, everyone comes in through the garage or the backdoor. When I got up there, I realised why we probably didn’t have any trick-or-treaters last night – we forgot to turn the front porch light on. Poopie.