when i saw harry potter

OH hello! how are you?
Sorry, I was home for all of 15 minutes today. I feel pretty ragged at the moment.
Random thoughts about the HP movie:
I love Hagrid so much. He is my hero.
I love Snape so much. I’ve never been a snape fan but I am now.
Hermione = perfect. Ron = cute as a button. Harry = looks like baby John Lennon, adorable. Draco… better than I expected, but I still didn’t like the hair. Neville, Lee, Dean, Seamus, all cute. Marcus Flint = scary!!!
Oliver had the cutest accent!
The twins… were good. Maybe if we’d seen more I would have warmed up to them more. Dumbledore, McGonagall, Quirrell… good. Dursleys were good.
Places… the whole movie was pretty, I loved Diagon Alley and Hogwarts and… oo! The chess game was cool, as was the Quidditch game.
The movie itself… I had fun watching it. It was good. But I don’t know… it did feel rushed, and maybe it was just because I already knew the story, but I never really felt… I don’t know, involved in the movie? It just didn’t have that… emotional, caught-up-in-it, amazed feeling that the books gave me.
All in all I liked it. I’m not totally disappointed, nor am I totally exhilarated. Two thumbs up anyway.
Now to see Monsters Inc and I’m ready for LOTR!

Oh! My costume turned out really well. It was actually my favourite part of the whole evening! I was the only person there dressed up, save for one girl who was wearing a wizard hat. I didn’t mind. I got lots of nice comments on it. I also went and ate at IHOP while wearing it (though I did take the robe off, leaving the sweater and tie), and to Hollywood Video (with the robe this time… the guy working there said, “Let me guess, you went to see Harry Potter?”) I loved the robe so much, the way it twirled out beind me šŸ˜€ When my parents go see the movie I’m gonna wear it again.

I also got a little Slytherin plastic cup. I was disappointed I got Slytherin, but then on our way out I noticed someone had thrown their little cup away so I ran over and got it and it was Gryffindor. So now I have a little set. I’ll probably use them for penholders or something.

Oh! Edit! I forgot! Catherine, my cousin, had never read the books (I couldn’t get her too! I knew she’d love them but she never wanted to!), but she really enjoyed the movie. I was with her all day today, and she spent the whole day asking questions about the books.

I wonder where my parents are?