when edea was too difficult

this is the costume I’ve been wanting to do for 2 years now. That’s Sorceress Edea, for those who don’t know. But I run into several difficulties in getting it done… let me list them.

#1 Not enough time. This costume is just so indepth. The dress isn’t all that complex, but the headdress and the back frame thingie! Not to mention the makeup…

#2 Not enough money. Yah.

#3 Not enough skill. I just don’t have the skill to make those really detailed things… that headdress would take me forever to make, and then it would probably look like crap and be falling apart all the time. Hot glue only goes so far.

#4 Where would I wear it? I was originally going to try and do it for MidSouthCon, so that the frame wouldn’t have to be transported, but I still don’t have time. Plus, MidSouthCon is a SciFi convention. I guess a few people would recognize me, but Edea’s the kind of costume that needs a nice big anime con. So that would mean having to ship or otherwise pack it somehow to take on a plane with me to Animazement or Otakon. Not only would that probably cost a good bit, but I’d be frantic over the thing getting there safely. I’m frantic enough over my suitcase when I fly, don’t get me started on costumes.

Oh my God, that just made me realise something. When I got to AZ and/or Otakon next year, how am I going to get my artwork there? Like hell I’d trust the airline folks with my portfolio. I’ve seen them throwing those suitcases around. I couldn’t stand to think of my portfolio (or even if I put everything in a box) being thrown around and stored in the belly of a plane. And I couldn’t carry my portfolio on with me, unless I did a bunch of small stuff and bought a smaller portfolio. I guess that would be the only way… : Darn planes! As much as I love airports and flying, I prefer a nice, long car trip with a bunch of friends. Nothing like that! There’s no security check to get in your car! No one searches your bags, you can put as much stuff in the truck that will fit, and you can carry knives if you want! LOL XD And besides, in the car there are no creepy strangers leaning over your shoulder watching you draw.

Ah, anyway. We wouldn’t have time to drive to either. And I guess Edea is a dream that’ll have to wait.