when school was over

Lazy Eternity cosplay journal – so that those of you who don’t care about costuming but like my blog/journal don’t have to hear my whining about it. Plus, Cath and Ash have access to it so they can post if they want… but I expect them to post about as much as I expect Abraham Lincoln to post about his cosplaying exploits.

Thank god for predesigned templates or I never would have finished it.

SO! School is over. Thank goodness. Well, mostly, I still got to… register for next semester… I was supposed to do that a month ago but I forgot…

I think I did well on my last art history exam. I did all right over all. I actually did all of my work this year, and even studied before tests. Hey…….. do you think that could be the reason I did good? Why didn’t I think of doing that before! Good grief!

Haha!! Check out Claudia’s page, she has some sundowner art!! Rockin!