when i was freaked out by a mouse and his child

It always stayed with me… something about that movie freaked me out as a kid. I could never remember what the name of the movie was, couldn’t even remember what it was about really. All I knew was that it was about a mouse… and there was a dollhouse on top of a pole… and that can. The can, I think it was a dogfood can, had a picture on it. In that picture, (I think it was) a dog holding up the same can. And the picture repeated itself over and over again that way.

I couldn’t even find any information about it, but the little information I had didn’t help that. Today, I finally found what I was looking for -> A Mouse and His Child. I’m pretty darn sure that’s the movie I’ve been remembering all these years. Unfortunately it’s one of those that’s out of print now, so there’s little chance of me seeing it again. I guess I might could find the book?

Don’t you hate it when you have those memories of something you watched as a kid, but you can’t really remember anything about it? There was an old Nickelodeon TV show like that for me, and for the longest time I thought maybe I dreamed it because NO ONE remembered it. I finally found info on it (tho I’ve forgotten the name again.. for such an odd show it had a really boring name).