when it was 2002

Happy 2002 or something XD our ‘party’ last night was pretty dull in the end. We went out to eat for Ash’s birthday then to Ash’s grandparents, then back to our house. Ash and I played Sims for a while, then threw PopPops at various things in the garage, then watched part of “The Worst Witch” and then finally we all set off a few fireworks at midnight. I was asleep by 12:30.

The good computer is on the blink again. Same old “Cannot access hard drive.” It’s been doing it for almost 24 hours now. Dad says he thinks it’s gone for good and is very annoyed about it. I was going to work on Galadriel picture a little more today, but now I can’t.

I did go buy the King Arthur Holy Grail figure today. he comes with a Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch. And I rented Moulin Rouge or however you spell it.

Right now I really need a nap…