when i thought about history

I’m going to go register in a few minutes! yay!

No, I’m not happy cause I have to drive all the way up to school and register, I’m happy ’cause afterwards I’m going to treat myself to starbucks and come home and work on sundowner :]

Well, after last semester, I came to realise how much I’d enjoyed my Art History class. I haven’t enjoyed a class that much since Visual Communications. It made me think… do I really want to keep slaving over these studio classes? Slaving? Slaveing? Slaving, I think… anyway. I’ve always loved history and I honestly thought about taking history classes instead. I really seriously thought about leaving my school and switching my major. Or, at least, minoring in it… not leaving my current school, since it has a thingie where you can take classes at other schools nearby for credit (since mine doesn’t offer a lot of non-art classes.)

I thought about it for a long time, from Thanksgiving on. And I realised, one of the reasons I liked that class so much was because of the teacher. Sure I liked the subject, but what if I got a teacher I didn’t like? And there’d be homework. A lot more homework than I have now.

So in the end I gave it up. This is what I want to do. I’ll just keep reading to myself for now.