when the winners were chosen

Well, I’ve got all the SD contest emails sent out but one… that one will be sent out once I get home, so I can look at my notes and make sure I’m sending it to the right person!

Gosh it was hard to pick. I’m glad I had judges do the dirty work. There ended up being six judges altogether, and six pieces ended up having 3 votes each (which was the top score)…. which meant I had one too many. So, instead of not adding one of the ones who did actually *win,* I decided to make it seven winners (I have to keep it an odd number for printing purposes… if I leave it at an even I’ll have an extra page I’ll have to fill with something. Might as well be another great entry.)

So anyway. Tonight I’ll try to get the subs up. Hopefully sundownercomic.com will be working all right.