when we didn’t see the movie

Wow, I haven’t posted here since 4/30! I guess I’ve been so busy with the poster…

Well, it’s finished and I’ll post it in my next post, if you’re interested. Dad picked up the print yesterday and I took it up to them last night. They were all happy with it (except one of the flapper girls – “HEY I’m blonde!!” Well ‘scuse me, in my reference pic you had your hair pulled back and it looked BROWN. You’re lucky you got on the poster, anyway. I could have put all the butlers in the flapper girls’ place instead, y’know…)

Then I’m asked if I can do another. Not another print of the poster – another picture alltogether. Not another cast poster, but one of just the four marx brothers. Without thinking I said, ‘sure.’

Actually, it won’t be too hard. I drew it last night and I reckon I can CG it this morning in about 2 hours. It won’t be any bigger than 8.5×14 though.

Cath and I were supposed to go see Spider-man at midnight last night, remember? Well, she couldn’t find any place showing it at midnight last night. We were talking about it and David goes, “Catherine, the premiere was WEDNESDAY night.” Cath looked at me, and I said, “OH yeah. I was trying to win tickets on the radio.” Then she got all mad cause everyone knew the premiere was Wednesday night, not Thursday and no one told her. I figured she knew of some secret theater showing some secret midnight showing tonight, that’s the only reason I didn’t tell her.

So we started looking in the newspaper in the teachers lounge for other late movies. There were NO movie whatsoever starting anytime past 10. So we didn’t go to a movie last night. We’re going to go see Spidey Sunday afternoon after the play.

Soo…. today I’ll be finishing this picture for them, then we have my dad’s bday party tonight… we were going to go see LOTR afterwards, but the last showing is at 7:30 so I don’t think we’ll make it! Saturday Ash and I are going to run around… Hancock’s, Party City, the mall, and Freewheelin Franks. Fun stuff! We’re going to scout fabric for Ash’s Xiaoyu costume, then go over to Party City and look at cheap wigs for her Ritsuko and maybe try to find a doctor’s coat. Then the mall, cause a Delia’s opened at the mall and I haven’t seen it yet. Then Franks cause Ash wants to look at some rope sandals or somethin.

Then that night………. it’s time for JETHRO TULL!!!!!! YEAH!!!!

Sunday I’ll go to the play, then we’ll see Spiderman. Fun.

I went to Barnes and Noble today to find a book to read. I wanted The Princess Bride, but I had no idea who it was by. Book stores need a computer catalogue, I say. So I just started scouring the racks, hoping to see the title somewhere. I found it on the second rack, yay! So far I really, really like it. I also found one of those nice DK Star Wars encyclopedias for ep. 2. (I have the ones for classic trilogy and ep. 1 – they’re great, perfect for seeing everyone’s costume in detail. great for fanart and costuming) I looked through it… man I want that! Amidala has this one beautiful blue dress in it… I wish I had time to make it before the premiere! It’s so pretty…

Anyway. I guess I better go check on the rabbit. I hope he hasn’t jumped out and hurt himself or anything.