*pokes bbs with a stick* Well that’s one less thing to worry about.
My car almost died on me on the way to work this morning. I started it up this morning and it didn’t squeak. It has belt problems, and lately they’ve been worse, but we hadn’t had time to take it in and get them adjusted. But I *know* what it means if it doesn’t squeak all of a sudden. Last time it didn’t squeak when it should have was a near disaster. It means the belt has broken, and that means the battery is probably about to die. I don’t pretend to understand cars, but that’s what happened last time.
I waited a minute, and it started squeaking. So I’m all like, ok, it’s ok. And off I go. About two minutes from home the battery light came on. That’s not a good thing! I called mom and told her. She told me to try and get to work, and to tell papa what had happened, and if it wouldn’t start when it came time to leave dad would have to come pick me up. So I kept on. Then the air conditioner quit on me. Just like last time! I pulled over in a church parking lot and turned it off, and then turned it back on. By now I was about 10 minutes from home and about to hit the big road. I could just see my dumb little car quitting on me on Germantown parkway o_o; So I pulled off in a cemetery parking lot and called mom again, and she told me to come on home. Then the car started smelling funny, and the engine light came on, and the temperature gauge was way up over the “H.”
That’s not good, right?
So I made it home. And didn’t have to go to work. I went with mom and ash to the hospital (ash’s mom had surgery today), and then ash and I went and got lunch. We each got a happy meal, and we each ordered an extra order of small fries so we’d have more fries. They got it wrong and we each ended up with three small orders of fries.
Last night we went over to my aunt’s for their community’s Fourth of July celebration (yeah, a little early…). The neighborhood had chipped in and hired professional firework guys, so it looked like it would be cool. We got there and we went out on their boat and took part in the “boat parade”! There were about 30 pontoon style boats, all in a line, going around the edge of the lake. It was nice though. My cousin Kevin drove most of the way! Up in the front boat they had the brass section of the memphis symphony orchestra playing, it was really cool! And there were some bagpipe players at one point too! After we ate we went out on the boat again, and we all sat and watched the fireworks. really cool fireworks too!! it was really nice, I hope we get to go over to their house for next year’s fourth of july too.