when i finished my sakura costume

Hey Mariessa! No, I’m not planning on going to Anime Boston… I’ve already hit my limit on cons for next year. So far it’s gonna be Katsucon (Crystal City, VA, feb 14-16), Project A-kon (dallas, tx, May 30-june1), Anime Expo (Anaheim, CA 4th of july weekend), MTAC (nashville, tn, no date set yet), and Dragoncon (atlanta GA, aug 30-sept 2 or something). When is the harry potter convention? Are dates set for that?
OH thank goodness, Britt got her tie… I’m SO sorry it was so late.

I got my Sakura costume put together! I need to fix the socks but otherwise all done.

Tonight is Harry Potter. I remembered to braid my hair after washing it last night so it’ll be crinkley. Er… that doesn’t sound right… Crimpy! That sounds better. I’m excited about the movie. Cath says Mel is dressing up so I won’t be alone… I don’t know, tho… at Star Wars two other people said they were dressing up too and didn’t do it. I’m putting my houserobe and my cloak in my car just in case I need to force them on anyone.