when the hancock fabrics commercial creeped me out

Our fabric store is hancock fabrics. It’s where I get all my costume stuff. Well, they started showing this commercial for it, recently. The woman on it… omg, she sounds like she’s in a porno. She’s like, “hancock!” and widens her eyes, and then goes, “we’re hancock… and soo much more.” It is disturbing.

btw, computer is back up!!!! WOO!! I held off doing my Art History final project since last tuesday hoping the comp would come back up and I could do it on the tablet… and it came back up last night ! I did it in like, 30 minutes, as opposed to the 2 hours it probably would have taken me doing it by hand. I’m off today, so I’m going to go work on the new layout.

On that topic, the reason I’ve been posting so much is… it’s final’s week, duh! Why would I study and do my work when I could be posting a gazillion times a day in my blog?!