when i was suspicious

Mom is putting together this little photo album with pics of all my costumes in it, so she can show them to people. God. I guess it’s kind of a neat idea… you know, when I’m old and grey I can pull that photo album out and think, “… gosh, I was SUCH a loser.”

I find it fishy that on the same day I posted a ranty private entry to my LJ about a certain convention, someone associated with the con joined the bbs (I went through and OKed a lot of recent signups, btw. finally.) I activated their account, but it seems odd to me that it would be on the *same* day, seeing as how I haven’t spoke to or of them since the incident. fishy indeed. Besides, if someone from the con wanted to contact me, there are many better ways than joining my BBS.

(in case anyone is wondering, I’m not going. I’m going to… I dunno. It’s calling for rain that day so I may not get to do an Amidala photoshoot.)

Lady Ava on the cosplay boards said I’d make a great Aeris. I never thought of that!
(can’t wait for the FF7 group at Akon…)
Here’s a good online MASH game. I got…
You will live in House.
You will drive a black 65 mustang.
You will marry Han Solo and have 0 kids.
You will be a professional slacker in Hawaii.
sweet! šŸ˜€ Of course I stacked the deck so to speak on a couple of them… (like, how many kids? 0, 0, 0, 0, or 0?)