So last night I went to sleep while watching the History International channel. Like usual.
My remote is dead, has been for ages, I put it away on one of the shelves of the entertainment center so I wouldn’t lose it in case I actually got a new battery for it one day. The only other working the remote was in the living room.
So I go to sleep listening to Leonard Nimoy talking about the Etruscans, and I wake up to some horror movie. Stupid screaming people on TV woke me up.
I’m like, wtf? Why is there a horror movie on History International? I got up, went in the living room, got the remote, came back and hit info. It was on HBO.
That’s never happened before. If I had HAD the living room remote in my room like I sometimes do, I could understand, like maybe I rolled over the remote in my sleep or something. But it wasn’t in my room! Somehow the TV got 300 some odd channels away from History International to Friday the 13th Part Two!
So weird.