when our ROTK plans changed again

Well, my plans have changed for ROTK!

Our entire ROTK night has been flipped upside down, fixed, flipped again and barely patched together again.
First, when it was announced Memphis was getting the Trilogy Tuesday, we called the theater that day to ask when tickets would go on sale. The person on the phone told us wrong (that they wouldn’t go on sale until late november/early december – she gave us a date but I can’t remember it now) – and we found out soon after that the theater was already sold out.
And that was after I sold my old Lion King tickets and bought new ones so I could go to Trilogy Tuesday.
So we just decided to go to the regular old midnight showing at the fancy theater downtown anyway.

Then, last week, it was announced that UofM would be invited to a bowl game in New Orleans. And it was on the 16th (the day of the midnight showing). Cath said she was going to the game. I told her she was crazy. I didn’t think she was serious about going, until today, when I asked her pointblank and she said, yes, she was going, already had tickets. I gave her grief about it, so she said, “why don’t you come?”

So now I’m abandoning Ash (ash – I’m sorry!!!!!! I don’t particularly want to go to the Muvico showing anyway – someone will be there and I don’t want to perpetuate rumours. if you didn’t get that I’ll tell you later. now you can go when/where you want at least) and going to New Orleans on the 16th. We’re going to see the football game at 6, and then going to a New Orleans theater to see the midnight showing. Then we’re getting up super early and heading back to memphis Wednesday morning so I can make ABSOLUTELY SURE I am back in memphis in time for lion king.
so yeah.

And this here is my in-progress base dress for my Arwen costume:

Queen Arwen In progress