when i watched an 80s version of faust

We watched this video in class today.
It was called Damnation of Faust, apparently it went along with an installation in a museum? I’m not sure.
It was basically 15 minutes of kids in a playground. It was made in 1983, and it has all video effects that were hot that year, along with a soundtrack courtesy a Casio.
I was seriously trying to watch it and make sense of it. But it was just too much for me. When the camera suddenly zoomed in and paused on a kid drinking out of a water fountain, paired with a dramatic flourish of synth music, it just GOT ME. I was trying to hold in the laughter, because the classroom was dead quiet. I was sitting there practically in tears from trying not to laugh.
Luckily I was sitting behind the teacher so she didn’t notice.
Oh my god, I want a copy of that video. It was so freaking awesome.