when the bugs attacked

I forgot to mention this is my costume journal!

On saturday, dad was helping us with some costume stuff in the kitchen when all of a sudden he gave a shout and pulled his t-shirt off! He said something was biting him. I looked over and saw the culprit still hanging onto his shirt. It had bitten/stung him in 3 places – he said it wasn’t a wasp but it looked like one to me, but then I wasn’t the one that got attacked, so I’ll take his word.

Then just an hour or so later, mom went outside to get something and out of nowhere a wasp just popped up and stung her arm! (this really was a wasp)
After that I was scared to go outside or anything!

Anyway mom gave me and Ash a gift certificate to The Melting Pot. Someone had given it to her and she didn’t know when she was going to use it so she randomly told us to go saturday night. So we did. And it was hella good.