when my ipod pissed me off

My Ipod is a piece of CRAP.
It’s one of the older ones, so the battery is faulty and won’t hold a charge anymore.
Apple’s solution for this? For $106 they’ll replace my battery! $106! And guess what, I have to delete everything off my ipod for this. And guess what else? Since my Ipod came from VW (when I bought my car), my newly fixed ipod will no longer have my VW logo on the back. That point above all is what severely pisses me off.
Right now, it will not charge. It’ll charge fine if I go plug it up in the car, but if won’t work plugged into an outlet. It was doing this fine the other day. Now it won’t.
What a POS I’ve never had one little gadget piss me off more than this thing has.
At least I didn’t freaking PAY for it.